Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Christmas Chronology

I was talking to one of my best friends last night, and she was complimenting me on my writing in this journal. I'm always very flattered when anyone tells me that they read it. But I'm a lyricist, not a columnist. I've never taken any writing classes or anything. The only kind of writing I've studied is lyric writing, and I'm downright legalistic about that. My reply was that I learned how to write while writing my Bible blog, which I wrote from 2009 to 2012. It's a Bible commentary blog, and I stopped because I got too busy. When I started in 2009, the economy was in tatters, and I had lots of time on my hands. The more I wrote, the more I loved it, and the more I wanted to dig into it, to the exclusion of my paying work. So I had to stop, to the consternation of my readers. Not that I had that many.

In 2011, I decided to repost all of my Christmas posts from Luke and Matthew in chronological order. I did that again in 2012, but have stopped since. As Christmas approached this year, I thought I would add a link to each day's post until Christmas Eve for anyone who might be interested. But when I read through them, I found them to be rather scholarly, and lacking the heart that seems to come through in my journal. But my friend Tiffany (dang it, I did it again!) said she'd still like to read them. Actually, she listens to them on her iPhone. Siri reads them to her. Now all I can hear is my journal in Siri's voice. Thanks, Tiff!

So on this Sunday before Christmas, it seems appropriate to make them available to any who might be interested. In the order that I believe these passages should go to tell the story in chronological order. It's too late for one link per day, so I'll post all of them here. I hope they add meaning to your Christmas season. There are 11 of them, so set aside some time. I'm sure you have lots of it this time of year!

1. The Birth Of John The Baptist Foretold: Luke 1:5-25
2. The Birth Of Jesus Foretold: Luke 1:26-38
3. Joseph Accepts Jesus As His Son Matthew 1:18-25
4. Mary Visits Elizabeth: Luke 1:39-56
5. The Birth Of John The Baptist: Luke 1:57-66
6. Zechariah's Prophecy: Luke 1:67-80
7. The Birth Of Jesus: Luke 2:1-7
8. The Shepherds And Angels: Luke 2:8-20
9. Jesus Is Presented In The Temple: Luke 2:21-40
10. The Magi Visit The Messiah: Matthew 2:1-12
11. The Escape To Egypt: Matthew 2:13-18

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